阿宾顿 IST student networks her way to success


Her internship gave Amy Pertuset client contact experience, which is desirable for her goal of working in IT consulting.

图片来源:Maria Narodetsky

阿宾顿,爸爸. — When Amy Pertuset enrolled at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校, she was fresh out of high school with a year's worth of 大学 courses and a respected technology program to her credit. 现在, as she prepares to graduate, she reflects on the value of study abroad, 实习, and an active life on campus.

艾米,一个 information sciences and technology (IST) 主要, talked about the program's absorbing academic component recently while her team restlessly waited to present a project to outside tech experts.

"的 是主要的 is very immersive and applies new technologies so we are learning what is current in industry,她说. "We work on team projects, which gives a great representation of what it's like out in the world."

"的 是主要的 is very immersive and applies new technologies so we are learning what is current in industry."

——艾米·百日塞, senior 是主要的, 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校

Amy supplemented her coursework by earning two technical certifications, Cisco Networking Associate and Linux Administrator, and 实习 at a software development and networking firm. It provided her with extensive client interaction, fitting well with her goal of finding a position in consulting.

"I worked on the hardware side for desktop and server systems, 病毒清除, and remote support for clients with issues connecting on their network, ensuring their systems are secure,她说.


宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 IST students including Amy Petruset traveled to 中国 with faculty to work with a team of Chinese students on a project.


Amy added another layer to her academic experience with study abroad. She flew to 中国 with 12 阿宾顿 students and faculty for a course with a required international travel component. After touring Beijing, they traveled several hours south for a weeklong stay in Shijiazhuang.

"We worked with the students at Hebei University to set up a network simulation,她说. "It opened my eyes to a different culture and made me realize that the world is even bigger than it seems."

Back on campus, the 阿宾顿 admissions office selected her for the Lion Ambassador corps. 的se students are entrusted to represent the campus at programs for prospective students and dignitaries. She helps out with the campus 社区 Outreach Workers, too.

Eastern Center for Arts and Technology in nearby Willow Grove invited Amy to serve on its Occupational Advisory Committee, which establishes curriculum, performance standards and recommends purchases. She completed Eastern's computer network administration program as part of her high school curriculum.

Amy said through high school, 大学, and beyond the inevitable spotlight on women in technology hasn't proved to be a distraction or concern for her.

"I felt as though my gender never dictated how my projects worked or how I interacted with my teammates and co-workers,她说. "I had plenty of opportunities to showcase my technical knowledge and skills to excel."

"I had plenty of opportunities to show case my technical knowledge and skills to excel."



Junior and senior 是主要的s presented their final projects to a group of alumni and other professionals. 的 experience gives them invaluable technical feedback and hones their presentation skills.

图片来源:Regina Broscius

